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Want to write for North Shore Mums? Here’s how it works!


Looking to enhance your credibility and establish yourself as an authority in your field? Contributing articles to North Shore Mums is a fantastic way to share your expertise, educate readers, and position yourself as a trusted voice in the community!

Writing to build your professional profile & promote your business

Writing online articles is an effective way of building a profile as an expert in your field, getting free exposure for your business and strengthening your SEO performance.

Who can become a professional contributor?

Benefits of becoming a contributor with North Shore Mums

  • The article will remain on the website indefinitely and will be optimised for search engines.
  • After publication, the article will be promoted on the weekly newsletter and a Facebook post.
  • The article will go into our ‘social media library’ to be promoted and shared for years to come.
  • You get a Writer Profile at the bottom of all the articles you write – which include a headshot, bio and links to your website and social media pages.

How many articles can I write?

You can write a maximum of four articles per year (approximately 1 every 3 months).

What should the article be about?

Before you start writing, you’ll need to first pitch the idea to our Editor, so we can check it’s the right fit and we haven’t published something similar recently.

Articles should be about a topic or issue that relates to your business and is interesting and relevant to North Shore Mums. It should not read like a ‘press release’ for your business. For example:

To comply with SEO best practices, all text (even sections of text!) must be original and exclusive to North Shore Mums. Once written, the articles become the property of North Shore Mums and cannot be published elsewhere on personal blogs or websites. Of course, you are welcome to share the article on your social media channels.

How many articles can I write?

You can write a maximum of 4 articles per year (approximately 1 every 3 months).

Tips for writing a great article

  • Length: 800-1000 words
  • Style: conversational, simple language, active voice, easy to read
  • Format: Rather than long sections of text, the article should be broken up into sections for easy reading. Think along the lines of paragraphs that have sub-headings, bullet points, and so on.
  • All articles will be edited by North Shore Mums prior to publication.


  • Images are just as important as the words! A great feature image will entice the reader and encourage them to click.
  • All articles have a ‘feature image’ – this is the image that sits at the top of your story and also is the thumbnail on the homepage and in categories. This should be a photographic image that is landscape in orientation.
  • We can also include other images in the article (either embedded within the text or as a separate gallery), so feel free to supply more images if you have them.
  • In order to comply with copyright laws, we CANNOT accept images that you have found on Google images, Instagram or someone else’s website. Please note that for ALL images, you will need to be either take the photographs yourself, purchase them for use on the North Shore Mums website, or have permission to use them on the North Shore Mums website. Let us know if you don’t have anything suitable, and we can source something from our image library. 

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Other options: Advertortial

If you’re not a North Shore Mum but want to promote your business, we offer a range of Advertorial Packages that are specifically designed to help promote products, services & events.

Apply now! 

If you’re keen to join our team of contributors, please complete the application form below:

  • Contributor Details

  • If you're writing for professional reasons, let us know what business you are writing to promote
  • Application

  • Our tagline is "for mums, by mums" - so all contributors must be local mums.
  • If writing for professional reasons, please us about your job or business and why you want to write for North Shore Mums.
  • I understand that articles from contributors are general in nature about the industry I work in, and not actively promoting my business, product or service. My business will get one mention at the bottom of the article.
  • Pitch an article heading(s) that you would like to write

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